

Chauru helps me shopping in Delhi >

Beyoglu Fish Market

New Delhi, Red Fort >

Winter blues in Istanbul

After days of travelling between Johannesburg, Istanbul and Delhi, I am back to my normal life, normal self... Missed my kids so much! I heard that Pashmina didn't eat for days because she was missing us so badly. Of course it wasn't the case for Dirty Harry who is interested in FOOD and nothing else so he didn't missed us because Naomi's portions are bigger than ours.
We travel to India twice a year once in February to Delhi and once in August to Moradabad and we always try to combine these business trips with leisure. This time we had 3 nights stopover in Istanbul, my home town.
Istanbul was on it's prime season for seafood. We ate freshest fish and shellfish almost everyday. I even could find fresh octopus and sea snail. All you have to do is poach them in salted water (separately) with few drops of vinegar and serve on a bed of finely chopped parsley, drizzled with lemon juice and olive oil. oh don't forget the crushed garlic. Yummy!!!
When it comes to Delhi, unfortunately the Indian cuisine is my least favorite in all culinary world. I survive thanks to our friend Neera's beautiful home cooking but any time I eat out in a restaurant I end up with a very tender stomach. But one thing I love about food in India is shopping. I can buy all sorts of fresh vegetables and spices for few pennies and I use them to cook very few Indian dishes that I like.
Later on I will give you more details about my trip and the flavours I experienced during the last 2 weeks. For the moment enjoy the pictures...

1 comment:

  1. I couldn't manage to put the picture tags on the right places, God knows why...
